
Chinese New Year Holiday 2020

To: All Customers and Suppliers


We would like to inform you that our Lunar New Year Holiday arrangement will be as below:

Hong Kong Office and Warehouse:

From 22nd January 2020 to 2nd February 2020 and will resume working or 3rd February 2020.

China Factory:

From 19th January 2020 to 29th January 2020 and will resume working on 30th January 2020.

Best wishes for a very prosperous New Year!

Wan Kou Kitchen Ware Manufacturing Limited


致: 各位客戶 / 供應商

感謝 貴公司過去的支持,本公司農曆新年假期 安排如下:

【香港寫字樓及貨倉】 2020122日﹝年廿八﹞至 22日﹝正月初九﹞, 23日﹝正月初十﹞照常營業。

【東莞工廠】2020119日﹝年廿五﹞至 129日﹝正月初五﹞130日﹝正月初六﹞照常營業。

敬祝 生意興隆、財源廣進、身體健康、萬事如意!

環球廚具製品廠有限公司仝人 敬賀